When was REV Group’s initial public offering?

REV Group became a publicly traded company on January 27, 2017 and was listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 2017.

Where is REV Group headquartered?

Our corporate offices are located at 245 S. Executive Drive, Suite 100, Brookfield, Wisconsin, 53005

What is REV Group’s ticker symbol and on which exchanges is REV’s stock traded?

REV Group’s Ticker Symbol is REVG and is traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

When is REV Group’s fiscal year end?

Our fiscal year ends on October 31st each year.

When does REV Group’s report quarterly earnings?

We announce dates for our quarterly earnings reports approximately two weeks in advance of their release.

How can I obtain REV Group’s financial documents?

REV Group’s investor materials can be viewed or downloaded from this website. If you would prefer materials by mail, please click on Information Request the Investor Relations portion of this website.

Who are REV Group’s independent accountants?

RSM US LLP is our independent registered public accounting firm. RSM US LLP is a limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of RSM International, a global network of independent audit, tax and consulting firms.

Where can I get information on REV Group’s products?

You can access each of our brands through our main website of www.revgroup.com

How can I access REV Group’s quarterly conference calls?

All conference calls are open to the public and you can find the information in the Presentations & Events tab in the Investor Relations section of this website.

How can I get a copy of the Company’s Annual Report, quarterly and annual SEC filings?

REV Group’s SEC filings and annual reports can be viewed or downloaded from this website by following the Financial Information link. If you would prefer materials by mail, please click on Information Request the Investor Relations portion of this website.

How do I transfer my stock, change my mailing address on my stock certificates or get other stockholder records information?

Contact our transfer agent:
Overnight Delivery:
Computershare Shareholder Services
462 S 4th Street
Suite 1600
Louisville, KY 40202

Regular Mail:
Computershare Shareholder Services
PO Box 505000
Louisville, KY 40233-5000
To speak with a customer service representative:
1-800-736-3001 or 1-781-575-3100

What is REV Group’s CUSIP number?

749527 107

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